Intel4EC 2023
Second International Workshop on Intelligent and Adaptive Edge-Cloud Operations and Services
In conjunction with 16th IEEE/ACM Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC) 2023
Taormina, Messina, Italy, December 4--7, 2023
Intel4EC 2023 Workshop Program Available Now
Workshop Program
Please find the schedule of the IEEE/ACM UCC/BDCAT 2023 conference with the co-located workshops at the UCC Program. Also, the detailed program of the UCC/BDCAT 2023 conference with the co-located workshops is available at the following link: UCC Detailed Program. Intel4EC 2023 workshop will be held on December 4th 2023 between 10:30 am -12:30 pm in Room A. Please find the detailed program of the Intel4EC workshop below. We request authors to prepare a presentation of 15 minutes followed by 5 minutes for Q&A.
The emergence of the Future Computing Continuum, which includes Cloud, Fog, Edge, and IoT paradigms, along with advancements in post-Moore era systems like Quantum processors, is driving the development of innovative digital solutions. These hybrid solutions are being applied in various sectors such as smart transportation logistics, smart cities, healthcare, and industry 4.0, where there is a need for distributed services that handle large-scale data generation, gathering, storage, and real-time analysis. The distributed nature of this continuum enhances the agility, responsiveness, and effectiveness of distributed applications. However, this paradigm shift also brings complexities to continuum management, including challenges related to orchestration, performance sustainability, sprawl management, resilience, and scalability.
Overcoming these challenges requires a shift in focus towards embracing autonomous technologies and future computing systems, rather than just improving classical compute capabilities. Intelligent Cloud Operations and Services have gained attention as a way to embed intelligence in Edge-Cloud management layers and automate digital operations and services using AI/ML techniques. This approach reduces the need for human intervention, especially for critical issues that go beyond the capabilities of automation. Although, still in its early stages, both academia and industry anticipate advancements such as the adoption of future computing solutions for accelerated and near real-time analysis for tasks like root-cause analysis, anomaly detection, and predictive maintenance in Edge-Cloud systems. By leveraging emerging AI/ML and future computing technologies, the continuum supply chain can fulfill accelerated user demands for openness, security, privacy, resilience, energy and resource efficiency, while also enabling scalability, fostering innovation, and addressing industry-specific requirements.
Following the successful first edition, the second edition of Intel4EC workshop aims to bring together researchers, developers and practitioners from academia and industry to present their experiences, results and research progress covering architectural designs, methods and applications of AI/ML-enabled Edge-Cloud operations and services. Additionally, this year in the face of increasing maturity of Quantum computing technologies, Intel4EC 2023 also welcomes Quantum Software community to present architectural vision, design, case studies, and software advancements that provides support for integrated, intelligent and adaptive hybrid Quantum and Edge-Cloud systems. By bringing together these research topics, Intel4EC looks forward to help the community define open standards, reference architectures, benchmarks that contributes to accelerated and systematized management pipeline for a myriad of Cloud-Edge operations.
Intel4EC 2023 workshop aims to attract the Cloud, Fog, Edge, AI/ML, Quantum software and distributed computing community for novel research contributions to intelligent, adaptive, manageable and observable Edge-Cloud systems that include topics of interest, but are not limited to:
Performance instrumentation, monitoring and observability
Causal attribution and root-cause analysis
Performance diagnosis and prognosis
Failure prediction and fault localisation
Anomaly detection and prediction
Capacity planning, scalability and workload management
Edge-Cloud sprawl management and multi-tenancy issues
AI/ML techniques for cost and energy-efficient operations
Adaptive resource provisioning, scheduling and run-time optimisation
Trust, security and privacy-preserving AI/ML
SLA breach, violation and vulnerability detection
Service discovery and microservice composition
Intelligent programming models
Distributed data (e.g. logs, traces) integration, management and analysis
Self-adaptive and self-healing systems
Experiment reproducibility, benchmarks, and application case-studies
Quantum software for Edge-Cloud (e.g. vision, design, architecture, operations, and case studies)
Submission Guidelines
The Intel4EC workshop invites original research papers, as well as architectural vision papers and experience reports that have not been previously published and are not currently under review for publication elsewhere. Following paper categories are welcome:
Regular Full Papers: Full research papers should describe the original work and be no longer than 6 pages (+ 2 for additional fee) including figures, tables, and references.
Short Papers: Short research papers up to 4 pages in length including figures, tables, and references, should contain enough information for the program committee to understand the scope of the contribution and evaluate the novelty of the problem or approach.
All manuscripts should adhere to page limits and be submitted in PDF using ACM double-column format. Your submission is subject to a determination that you are not under any sanctions by ACM. Each paper submitted to the workshop will undergo double-blind review process, will be peer-reviewed by a minimum of three technical program committee members and will be evaluated on the basis of scientific significance, originality, technical quality, correctness, presentation, and relevance to the workshop attendees.
The manuscript should not include author information, acknowledgements, citations or discussion of related work that would make the authorship apparent. Submissions containing author identifying information may be subject to rejection without review. Upon acceptance, the author and affiliation information must be added to your paper.
The workshop proceedings will be published by ACM and will be made available online via the ACM digital library . At least one author of each accepted manuscript must be registered for the conference and attend the workshop to present the paper, for the paper to be published in the proceedings.
Submission Page: Paper submission is double-blind electronic only. Authors are invited to submit papers electronically through the following link:
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: 2nd October, 2023 13 October 2023 (Final Extension)
Notification of Acceptance: 22 October 2023 25 October 2023
Camera-ready and Registration: 7th November 2023
Registration: Check the UCC website ( for registration details
Workshop Date: December 4-7, 2023 (exact date to be determined)
All deadlines are indicated as 23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth). Click to download the CFP.
TechniCal Program CommiTTEE
Gyan Ranjan, Ericsson, US
Atakan Aral, Umea University
Sasko Ristov, University of Innsbruck
Fabrizio Marozzo, University of Calabria
Dolly Sapra, University of Amsterdam
Auday Al-Dulaimy, Malardalens University
Jorge G. Barbosa, Universidade do Porto,
Qingzhi Liu, Wageningen University
Zahra Najafabadi Samani, University of Innsbruck
Antorweep Chakravorty, University of Stavanger
Juan Durillo Barrionuevo, Leibniz Supercomputing Centre
Vincenzo De Maio, TU Vienna
Long Cheng, North China Electric Power University
Vinod Nigade, Vrije University, Amsterdam
Juan Aznar Poveda, University of Innsbruck
Atanas Hristov, UIST, Ohrid
Huan Zhou, National Defense Technology University, China
Narges Mehran, Klagenfurt University
Organisers and WorkShop Chairs
Dr. Nishant Saurabh, Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University, The Netherlands (Email:
Dr. Dragi Kimovski, Institute of Information Technology, Universität Klagenfurt, Austria (Email:
Dr. Zhiming Zhao, Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Email:
For any queries and questions regarding the workshop and submissions, please contact the organisers.